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Satellite Tracker

Satellite Tracker

I have 2.5 hobbies, Astronomy and Coding (the .5 is cooking but it's also sort of a necessity). During the summer of 2018 my boys and I were trying to get a photo of the ISS as it flew over our area. After several missed attempts we got serious and started looking it up, mapping its trajectory and we finally decided to code it up in our own project. We hammered this one out in a weekend, they learned the hard lessons of dirty data and how to clean it. You should have seen their faces when I made them sit down in front of Excel and go through our downloaded data. We located some resources on line to get satellite data via ajax. Though we were only able to get 300 secs of flight data at a time we made it work. Leveraging Google maps and few open API’s we were able to construct a tracker of most of the known orbital bodies flying over head. We are currently working on v2.0, watch this space for updates.

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I code there for I am. Follow me and my boys projects on Github. We do some cool stuff and a lot of learning exercises so we can get better. Games, interesting ideas, stupid stuff. You know, why you got into coding too.

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Lead developer across multiple work groups. In my role I lead programming projects for internal application development and marketing.

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Father of 2 boys, friend to many, scooter rider, craft beer advocate, soccer fan and Star Wars super nerd. Pride myself on being a tinkerer of all things electronic and code.

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Studying chef, father of 2 boys and one cat, world traveler and past-life professional photographer.

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